See, and that's what I love about digiscrapping, I discover new sources with supplies all the time, giving me a continuous flow of inspiration. And it doesn't have to be expensive, you can use all supplies over and over again. Totally different from that gorgeous scrappaper you buy for a dollar, you cut it up and it's gone ;-) Through my CT job with Dawn Inskip I received the kit A Hand To Hold, a collabkit by all the Catscrap Designers. Made a layout, wanted to post it in my galleries, and, as usual, needed the link to add where the kit can be sold. Searched the entire Catscrap shop, but I couldn't find the kit !!! Kind of strange, where did it go ? After a lot of searching I landed here. Never heard of the site, but it is so much fun ! And each month they have a Grabbag for $ 5, well, Grabbag, it is totally unbelievable what you get for your money. After currency converting I paid Euro 3,75, and just take a look what I got for my money .... Awesome !!
Enfin, hier is de layout die ik met de kit maakte / Here's my layout I made with the kit :
En dank je wel Jeanette, voor de leuke foto !
Fijn weekend !
3 opmerkingen:
een vriendin van me zei ooit dat ze dan wel niet zoveel papier meer nodig had, maar dat de centen nu in de Terrabytes opslag gingen zitten *lol* er komt nooit een eind aan hè?
Bedankt voor de link.
Wow, wat ontzettend leuk gedaan. Ik was het al weer helemaal vergeten, ik dacht de vierde??
Toch maar even je blog bekijken natuurlijk, zie ik ineens Lisanne. Hele leuke verrassing hoor. Ik vind het een hele gave lo. Mijn complimenten!!!
Beautiful layout! :)
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