Today we finally saw Alice in Wonderland. The 3d version, and that whas a bit strange .... During the first 15 minutes I developed a headache, and I couldn't read the subtitles. Very odd, because when I saw Avatar in 3D I thought it was wonderful, how could this one be so bad ? Then a lady told us that we needed to put our glasses on UPSIDE DOWN ! She was so right, after that the movie turned into something beautiful. We had a wrong batch of glasses LOL Anyway, after those first 15 minutes I totally enjoyed this movie, it is just so magical. I think I like that Tim Burton, he makes the most wonderful movies ! When I was home again I made this little layout, with photos I found on the internet ....
Credits : Kit Innocence by Dawn Inskip, at Pickleberrypop
Om, zoals mijn zus altijd doet, een tip van de dag te geven : Zet je bril eens verkeerd op ;-)
Speaking like my sister, my tip for the day : Try wearing your glasses the wrong way ;-)

1 opmerking:
Ik heb behalve in het omniversum nog nooit een 3D film gezien.
Maar het is leuk dus :) ?
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